7 reasons to get the COVID vaccine at an independent pharmacy

7 reasons to get the COVID vaccine at an independent pharmacy

One of Carolina Pharmacy’s top priorities is making the COVID-19 vaccine available to as many people as possible. Because they have direct links to the communities they serve, independent pharmacies have an opportunity to reach large groups of people and encourage vaccination. Extra flexibility to talk with patients coupled with strong knowledge of each customer’s care plan means that independent pharmacists are perfectly poised to readily address vaccine concerns or answer questions.

According to Carolina Pharmacy pharmacist Dr. Taylor Fortson, addressing and helping solve vaccine hesitancy is also an important role of the independent pharmacy. She says that one of the benefits of being an independent pharmacy is being part of the larger global pharmaceutical supply chain but still having a focus on true patient-centered care.

“We have frequent touchpoints with customers and are fully familiar with their medications and care,” says Dr. Fortson. “Beyond understanding individual healthcare needs, independent pharmacists are knowledgeable and already deeply experienced with vaccine administration and processes for flu, pneumonia, and other illnesses.”

Read on for 7 reasons that Dr. Fortson says you should opt to get the COVID vaccine at an independent pharmacy:

  1. Pharmacists working in independent pharmacies are some of the most accessible healthcare professionals. They can review available vaccine types and help patients decide which one is best for them.
  2. Independent pharmacies provide trusted advice. Pharmacists will review any concerns a patient has and consult with those skeptical about receiving the vaccine.
  3. Pharmacists go above and beyond for patients. With COVID cases rising, some patients feel uncomfortable coming into the store, so they offer curbside vaccination.
  4. They host vaccine clinics to make vaccination more convenient.
  5. They have shorter walk-in wait times. Chain pharmacy walk-ins frequently wait 30 minutes or longer, but independents serve any COVID vaccination walk-ins as quickly as prescription walk-ins. It only takes around 15 minutes to get vaccinated, and the only wait is the required post-vaccination waiting period.
  6. Independent pharmacies and pharmacy owners can get the vaccine faster because they can communicate directly with county and city officials, instead of relying on a corporate entity.
  7. They usually serve and are accessible to lower-income, minority communities and can help getting those populations vaccinated.

Schedule a COVID vaccination appointment.
Schedule a rapid COVID test.

Check out this handy guide to our pharmacy services!

Check out this handy guide to our pharmacy services!

When you choose Carolina Pharmacy, you’re choosing individualized care. We’re more than just a place to get your medications – it’s our honor to be your local, friendly, one-stop shop for all things pharmacy. Think of us as your personal pharmacy consultants who strive to deliver the best customer experience we can, every day.

Our accessible pharmacists are available to talk to you in person and offer their deep expertise on a range of topics. Individual consultations make you feel more comfortable and confident with your prescriptions and give you peace of mind. Have questions about insurance or pricing? We can help with those too.

Here’s a quick, useful guide to many of the services we provide. Check it out and explore all we have to offer.

Don’t see something you need? We can probably help – just give us a call or stop by one of our locations.

Carolina Pharmacy services

What Independent Pharmacists Want You to Know about Compounding Drugs

What Independent Pharmacists Want You to Know about Compounding Drugs

At Carolina Pharmacy, our pharmacists are dedicated to providing patient-centered care. Every patient is unique, and we offer personalized prescriptions to meet patients’ varying needs. We are one of the few pharmacies locally that compounds prescription medications, with offerings ranging from chemotherapy drugs to hormone replacement therapy. Using the latest technology, our pharmacists put together prescriptions using the highest quality ingredients.

How do you know if compounded drugs are right for you? How to you order a customized medication? Our experts share the top things to know when considering a compounded medication.

How are compounded prescriptions different from other prescriptions?

Traditionally, you may have filled a prescription for a commercially available FDA-approved drug that’s manufactured by a national company to meet the needs of a large population. In contrast, compounding means that a licensed pharmacist modifies ingredients to create a customized medication for an individual patient. At Carolina Pharmacy, we offer compounded prescription for both pets and people.

We’re one of the few pharmacies equipped to safely compound USP800 drugs, which include hormone replacement therapies. We have a wide array of medications, meaning we can customize medications to manage a variety of care needs. Additionally, we have a state-of-the-art lab outfitted with the latest technology to assist as we create compounded medications.

Examples of compounding:

  • Adding flavor enhancers or sweeteners to change the taste of a medication
  • Removing allergens such as glutens or dyes
  • Changing the form of the medication i.e. offering foams, sprays, gels, suppositories

Is a compounded prescription the right fit for me?

To determine if an alternative formula would better fit your needs, you should speak with your physician. For example, people who have allergies to specific ingredients in commercially produced medications may seek out a custom formulation that omits the allergen. You may need a custom dose that’s not readily available. In some cases, patients can’t swallow tablets or tolerate the taste, and we can alter the medication to fix those issues.

How do I order a compounded prescription?

The process is simple and starts with your doctor writing a prescription or sending it directly to our pharmacy. After receiving the order, our team will give you a cost estimate and share how long your prescription will take to be filled. Your prescription may not be covered by insurance. Once your medication is created, we can have it ready for pick up or delivery to your home or office. To order from Carolina Pharmacy or for more information, you or your medical provider can call 704-909-4700 (ext. 5) or email compounding@carolinapharmacy.com.

More information on compounding at Carolina Pharmacy

Everything You Never Knew About Independent Pharmacies

Everything You Never Knew About Independent Pharmacies

How many times have you driven by that small drugstore on the corner and wondered what makes it different from big chain pharmacies?

Short answer — a lot! Independent pharmacies such as Carolina Pharmacy are owned and operated by small business owners who are local to their neighborhoods. Independents are different from chain drugstores and franchised-owned pharmacies, which are typically multi-unit (10+ stores) and owned and run by business groups.

While you may see chain and franchise-owned drug store advertising and marketing materials more frequently, it’s important to remember that their business is driven by creating revenue for shareholders. Independent pharmacies, on the other hand, develop cross-generational relationships with families and focus on continually improving the health and wellness of each customer.

Here are more facts about independent pharmacies you might not know:

  1. They have greater access to a variety of medications than chain pharmacies. Independents have relationships with more wholesalers to achieve a lower price and do not limit ordering medications due to high cost or revenue losses. Independent pharmacy owners generally oversee operations and have better inventory control and training than chains do.
  2. They focus on the neighborhood. Like other independent pharmacies, Carolina Pharmacy owners live close by and work in stores alongside their employees. They are dedicated to supporting local communities and those who depend on their services.
  3. Independent pharmacists are medication experts. All Carolina Pharmacy pharmacists went to pharmacy graduate school for at least four years, and most have a Doctorate in pharmacy. They take ongoing training classes to stay current on trends and changes to medication in the industry and have superior knowledge in the field.
  4. Independent pharmacies offer niche services. An excellent independent pharmacy focuses on the growing sector of niche services that customers value. Some of these services include:
  • Immunizations and vaccines
  • Compounding/custom prescriptions
  • Veterinary/animal prescriptions
  • Hospital/discharge regimen guidance
  • Diabetes care
  • Pharmacogenetic (genetic) testing
  • Lab testing
  • Health education and guidance
  • Hypertension management
  1. They focus on personal relationships. Independent pharmacies are locally owned, and as a result place greater importance on developing personal relationships with clients. For Carolina Pharmacy, customers are neighbors, families, and friends.
  2. Independent pharmacies will deliver. While chains historically have not delivered medications to patients or businesses, delivery is a cornerstone of the independent pharmacy business that aligns with personalized care. Though some chains now deliver or offer mail order, service can be impersonal and sometimes leads to delivery issues for patients.
  3. Independent pharmacies look for ways to make medication affordable. Healthcare pricing is often out of our control, but we work diligently to bring down the cost of drugs for each patient while maintaining the utmost level of service and care. By maintaining relationships with other health providers and navigating the market, we keep healthcare affordable for our patients. Some of the methods we use to keep costs down include:
  • Buying wholesale
  • Using generic substitutes
  • Therapeutic substitution
  • Education and counseling
  • Offering manufacturer coupons
  • Low cash pricing
  • Offering vaccinations

The best, most successful independent pharmacies support local communities and the independent pharmacy industry (each other). Carolina Pharmacy works with countless local school boards, charities, organizations, youth sports leagues, and local small businesses to promote, support, and advocate for what customers need for their families to be healthy and safe.

“We give back to our communities and support small business because we know that without our neighbors, we wouldn’t exist!” – Chirag “Chi” Patel, co-founder, Carolina Pharmacy

For more about independent pharmacies, visit the National Community Pharmacists Association.

One for the Dads

One for the Dads

Health tips for each decade of fatherhood

Fatherhood is a privilege and we love the dads in our lives. We also know that it’s important that all men maintain good health.

Women continue to outlive men due to a number of biological and social factors, including lifestyle choices. Men have a higher likelihood to smoke, drink in excess, make unhealthy choices, and postpone trips to the doctor. When poor health habits stretch on for years and decades, it can lead to serious issues with consequences that can be difficult to undo.

Health conditions can lie dormant for long periods of time, showing symptoms only when damage has become significant. Preventative measures are key. A lifetime of good health choices around diet, exercise, sleep, and diligent and regular preventative check-ups go a long way.

In honor of Father’s Day, here are health tips for men to prioritize for each decade of life…and fatherhood.


Develop good habits and get to know your family history. Thinking about lifestyle habits can seem like a big challenge, but focusing on how you approach self-care will likely guide decisions and actions that will impact what your future and family will become. Focus on habits influencing your nutrition, physical fitness, sleep, mental health, and preventative care.

In your twenties, testosterone is running its highest. For some men, puberty can hit as late as this chapter of life, leaving them more prone to risky or impulsive behavior, and aggressive or violent tendencies. Poor management of anger and stress cause physical havoc on the body. It can be helpful to be proactive by learning self-control and anger management.

Next, aim for a balanced diet. According to a Massachusetts survey, women were 50% more likely to meet their daily recommended amount of five servings a day of fruits and vegetables.

Exercise regularly. Balance your plan with cardio, stretching, and lifting weights.

Develop good relationships with your doctors and specialists, even if you tend to postpone regular medical visits. Routine checkups are extremely important to prevent gradual threats to health that show no symptoms in early stages.

Get to know sex. In the United States, very few states offer comprehensive sex education in schools. Make sure you understand the complexities of sex and human sexuality as they are pillars of overall wellness.

Finally, limit alcohol consumption, avoid smoking, use protection when having sex, wear seat belts, avoid texting while driving, and protect your skin from sun damage using sunscreen. You’re already on your way to living a long and healthy life!

30s – 40s

As life seasons shift, stay active, eat well, and get sleep.. In your thirties, careers take off and more and more men transition into sedentary jobs behind a desk. This is not inherently bad as long as you keep moving, both throughout the day and have varied forms of exercise.

Consider financial health as part of your overall wellness. Finances are a big source of stress for many families. By learning how to manage money well by saving, investing, and spending wisely, you will set yourself and your family up to enjoy better health as a result.

Finally, learn to manage your work stress. It’s a common cause of hypertension, heart attack, and stroke. (Here’s a tip for stress management — exercise!) 


Continue good habits, as your body will rely on them more to stay strong and healthy. Healthy sleep, nutrition, and exercise habits from your twenties and thirties will greatly improve how you look and feel. With years of regular exercise, your body’s strength, mobility, recovery, and overall function, though slower with age, will help fend off injuries and health problems. And, following years of proper money management, you can likely start looking forward to retiring.

While continuing your habits of nutrition, exercise, and sleep, you may need to tweak them as you reach your sixties. Exercise routines should include aerobic activity to improve balance and strength. As bones start to weaken with age, it is important to maintain strong muscles to keep strong bones.

As immune systems weaken with age, certain vaccines between ages 60-65 can keep serious health threats at bay: the flu shot, tetanus vaccine, zoster vaccine, shingles, and pneumococcal vaccine. Consult your primary care provider to receive new vaccines and specialist referrals if necessary.

Lastly, it’s time to consider who in your life can make health decisions for you if you are unable to. Take time to choose which trusted individual or individuals should have this important role.


Congratulations, you’re 70 years young and still kickin’! Time to schedule annual check-ups with your primary care provider to develop a personalized wellness plan, intended to scan for existing conditions rather than plan for prevention. If your specialist accepts Medicare, these visits will be covered financially. Ask about any conditions that may limit your mobility and ability to exercise regularly.

Your 70s and 80s will likely be a time of increasing health ailments, and certain care and prevention will keep you safe, healthy, and feeling well. If you are 55 or older and smoke or have quit within the last 15 years, your risk of lung cancer is higher and should be evaluated. 

We love the fathers in our lives, and cannot emphasize enough the importance of men pursuing good health. By taking care of your bodies and mental health, you can enjoy a long, happy life!

Transferring your prescription – it’s easy!

Transferring your prescription – it’s easy!

Transferring your prescription to a local independent pharmacy like Carolina Pharmacy is a relatively easy process that requires minimal work from you. Once you get the ball rolling, we take care of the rest, making the transfer as seamless as possible.

It may help to understand why customers sometimes switch from a chain to an independent pharmacy like Carolina Pharmacy. Here are a few of the advantages:

  • Discounts and coupons
  • Availability of compound drugs
  • Service-based needs like shorter wait times, personalized care, and delivery

Read more about why people why people transfer their prescriptions here.

If you want to transfer your prescription, here’s what you need to do:

Contact us to initiate the transfer

Reach out to initiate the transfer of your prescription(s) in one of two easy ways.

  1. Visit carolinapharmacy.com, scroll down to Services, and click Transfer Prescription.
  2. Call or stop by one of our locations and speak with a pharmacist. (We always enjoy meeting you in person!)

We’ll need a few pieces of personal information when you contact us including your name and date of birth, the name of the medication(s) you’d like to transfer, the name of the pharmacy that currently fills your prescription(s), and your current insurance information. If you don’t have insurance and are paying out-of-pocket, we have competitive prices and are happy to talk with you about your options.

Consider when you’ll need the medication

We always have common medications in stock. Most of the time we can order special medications for you to have in stock the next day, but it’s helpful to contact us a day in advance of the day you wish to pick them up. An extra day also helps with any delays caused by insurance or refill verifications.

Understand limited transfers

All prescriptions that are not controlled substances are available for refills. In fact, we can reach out to your doctor and have your refills sent directly to us. Please be aware that some doctors may ask you to see them for an appointment before they will refill your prescription.

Some medications are classified as controlled substances and may have a limited number of transfers or cannot be transferred. Examples of these controlled substances include Tylenol with Codeine, Xanax, and Robitussin AC or other cough suppressants with codeine. Please contact us if you have these prescriptions and we can guide you on the best approach to transferring these prescriptions to our pharmacy.

Wait for us to contact you

Once you initiate a prescription transfer, we’ll get the prescription moved to our pharmacy as quickly and efficiently as possible. We have a small but strong team and get to know each of our customers and their prescriptions well, while also providing excellent service and one-on-one time with each individual as needed. We look forward to serving your needs with the utmost in care and customer service.

And a bonus?? When you work with Carolina Pharmacy, you’re supporting local business!

Frequently UN-Asked Questions: You didn’t ask, but we answered anyway!

Frequently UN-Asked Questions

Sure, you may have regular questions for your pharmacist when you pick up your medications. But according to Taylor Fortson, pharmacist with Carolina Pharmacy, there are many frequently un-asked questions too — important questions that customers just don’t tend to ask.

Read on to learn what questions you might want to mull over before your next pharmacy visit (and psst, check out our Frequently Asked Questions here).

It’s quite easy to transfer prescriptions to Carolina Pharmacy. Simply let your new pharmacist know you’d like to transfer, and they’ll reach out to your current pharmacy or doctor to make the arrangements.  Plus, Carolina Pharmacy offers incentives for transferring your prescriptions — make sure to ask!

Taking any medication without proper guidance and education can pose risks such as drug interactions, unwanted side effects, and exacerbated pre-existing health conditions. Pharmacists are one of the most accessible health care provider groups that can make sure you’re taking your medications safely and effectively.

Pharmacists offer more than just the flu shot – they can administer a wide variety of vaccines such as those for shingles, pneumonia, tetanus, and more — without a prescription. Talk with a Carolina Pharmacy staff member about which shots are right for you.

Pharmacists can help with a variety of health-related issues. As a community drugstore, Carolina Pharmacy can advise customers about blood sugar, blood pressure, and asthma control, and assist with smoking cessation and weight loss, in addition to medications. They can also work directly with your doctor to create a health regimen that works for you. Something else you didn’t know they do? Organize your medications into an easy-to-use packaging box at no extra cost.

No. Like other independent pharmacies, Carolina Pharmacy has to deal with low reimbursement from insurance companies. The job of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) such as Caremark and Express Scripts is to mediate between insurance plans and consumers to keep medication affordable and accessible.

Because PBMs have relationships with large pharmacy chains it allows them to negotiate better incentives for patients. This frequently causes independent pharmacies to lose customers to large chain pharmacies. To compensate, Carolina Pharmacy has expanded services to compete with pharmacy chains and better serve the community.

Frequently Asked Questions: You asked, we answered!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’ve ever wanted to ask us a question related to medications or health, don’t be shy. In fact, we get a lot of questions at Carolina Pharmacy! To save you time, we’ve compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions with a bit of help from Taylor Fortson, one of our pharmacists.

We take pride in providing medications at the lowest cost. There are many nuisances to finding prescription savings, but our staff is dedicated to helping you find the best price, something many chains can’t offer. We accept most insurance plans, but keep in mind that there are few plans that restrict patients to mail order or chain pharmacies only.

This is a common question. We do not accept GoodRx for many reasons, primarily because as an independent pharmacy, we are able to set our own prices. Nine times out of ten, this will give you a better price than GoodRx can at a chain pharmacy. We also have our own ‘discount card’ available at many doctors’ offices for both prescriptions and compounded medications.

While a particular manufacturer cannot be guaranteed, Carolina Pharmacy is good at finding medications and products that other drugstores cannot. Different pharmacies use different wholesalers, but we purchase medications from various vendors, which gives us access to a wide variety of products.

Health insurance plans have a formulary (a list of drugs that are covered by the plan) which vary across health plans. Common reasons a medication may be excluded from a formulary are 1) the plan wants you to use a different drug in the same medication class, 2) the medication is available over-the-counter, or 3) the drug is considered a lifestyle drug, and therefore not medically necessary (ex: weight loss, erectile dysfunction, cosmetic procedures).

Health plans restrict formularies in order to save money by steering you to a less expensive option, often by making copays for medications that are similar but more expensive. Your plan may cover the more expensive option once you try similar medications first and your doctor submits a prior authorization, to document why you need that particular medication.

Many chain pharmacies will not start the prior authorization process until they receive a call from the patient and doctor, delaying the approval from your insurance company. In order to start and submit prior authorizations in a timely manner, we’ve established close relationships with providers so you can get the medications you need.

We fill all new prescriptions sent in by your doctor, so if it’s something you’ve never taken before, we will have it ready before you call. Carolina Pharmacy also has a medication synchronization program that aligns all of your medications so that you can pick them up on a day that is convenient for you on a recurring basis. We will never sign you up for this service without talking to you first, but we do encourage all patients to participate, as it lowers costs and decreases your number of trips to the pharmacy.

What many patients don’t  know is that insurance companies monitor adherence. When a patient doesn’t pick up their maintenance medications-such as for blood pressure, cholesterol, or diabetes, for instance, it flags the insurance company. And if the patient is late for their pickup too many times, this can cause their insurance premiums to go up.

For non-controlled substances, insurance companies only cover a certain days’ supply of medication. So, in order to ensure insurance will cover it, a patient may only fill it a certain number of days in advance. For controlled substances (and depending on the medication), by law the pharmacy can only fill the medication every thirty days. This is to prevent drug abuse and diversion.

The supply is calculated by dividing the total quantity by the number of pills you take per day, as prescribed by your doctor.

Just like gas prices, medication prices can fluctuate. Typically this is not an issue when you have prescription insurance, although prices may still change if you switch drug plans or have a deductible. For patients with a deductible (a predetermined amount the insured must pay out-of-pocket before the insurance plan will help), prescription copays are typically highest at the beginning of the year.

For patients with Medicare, their costs may go up later in the year due to a coverage gap, more commonly known as the “donut hole”. For example, when total drug costs exceed a predetermined limit, a patient enters the Part D phase of Medicare prescription coverage. (In 2020, this limit was about $4,000.) Afterwards, the patient is responsible for 25% of drug cost until they reach the catastrophic phase, when total out-of-pocket costs reach about $6,000.

GoodRx is a price-comparison platform for medications that offers coupons for prescription drugs. It can be critical to know beforehand whether your pharmacy accepts GoodRx, particularly for low-income patients.

The brand name of a medication is the name given by the company that develops the drug. The generic name is that of the active ingredient in the medication. Generic drugs have the same quality active ingredient(s) and effectiveness as brand drugs. The difference is in their inactive ingredients, such as dyes, fillers, and preservatives. Also, generic drugs are much cheaper. If the company has cheaper costs for development and marketing, this makes it more affordable and more readily available.

One for the Moms

One for the Moms

Moms – where would we be without them? They raise us, guide us, and make our PB&J sandwiches (thanks, Mom!).

With so much to juggle, and so many people depending on them, it’s no wonder many mothers forget to take care of themselves. But to be able to take care of those around them, it’s still important for women to first look after their own health and wellness. Moms may rule the world, but they need sleep, too!

Children often learn health habits from their parents. If little ones watch their parents make lifestyle choices that show their health is important, those small impressions can last a lifetime.

Motherhood is a lifelong endeavor. To stay healthy, present, and active, here are health tips for women to prioritize for each decade of their motherhood journey.


Develop good habits. This may seem quite broad, but focusing on habits will very well determine what you’ll do – and ultimately, who you’ll be – for the rest of your life.

Good habits span every area of lifestyle choices, but focus on those influencing your nutrition, physical fitness, sleep, sexual activity, mental health, and preventative health measures.

Put together a fitness plan that works well for you. Balance your plan with cardio, stretching, and lifting weights. Incorporate lifting weights, and embrace it. There are many health benefits for exercising with weights that aren’t just for the men. Strength burns more fat than cardio, reduces risk of injury, improves your mood, and even curbs menstrual symptoms.

(Tip: it is a myth that women can “bulk up” from “lifting too many weights”. This is simply not physically possible, as women do not produce enough testosterone for this to occur.)

Develop good relationships with your doctors and find specialists that listen to patient concerns. Get to know your body, and don’t be afraid to ask questions during your exam visits. Work together with your wellness team; if a malady does develop, they will help you treat them early and discuss prevention plans.

For many people, their twenties are the early stages of sexual activity. For most young women, it is your responsibility to educate yourself on your own sexual health. In the United States, very few states offer comprehensive sex education in schools. So, take it upon yourself to become a student of sex ed. With the internet, there is tremendous misinformation (false information unintentionally spread) and disinformation (false information intentionally spread) about sexual health. However, the better acquainted women become with their own bodies, the better sex they will have, the more empowered they’ll feel, and the better outcomes they’ll see in their overall sexual health goals.

Finally, limit alcohol consumption, avoid smoking, use protection when having sex, practice safe driving habits like wearing a seat belt and avoiding texting while driving, and protect your skin from sun damage. Your skin, hair, organs, and the rest of your body will thank you!


As you start having children, shift your habits accordingly. Remember all those good habits you started in your twenties? Those will serve you well in your thirties.

For years studies have been showing that millennial women in the United States are delaying having children (delayed even more so due to the COVID-19 pandemic), so typical childbearing years tend to begin in their late twenties to mid thirties. When you are ready to start trying to get pregnant, take folic acid supplements, which promote fetal health. (Studies have shown folic acid to greatly lower the risk of defects to the neural tube during fetal development.)

Experts do not recommend beginning new exercise plans after you’re pregnant. But for thirty-something first-time moms, pre-developed exercise routines can often continue safely through your pregnancy. Be sure to consult your physician to learn what’s best for you.


Pivot habits for menopause. Healthy sleep, nutrition, and exercise habits from your twenties and thirties will greatly improve both how you look and feel in your forties. Your body’s mobility recovery abilities will hinge on the past few decades of your health habits.

Talk to your doctor about perimenopause symptoms, which are commonly developed in your forties.

Then, revisit conversations with your doctor on what contraception options are right for you. Another pervasive women’s health myth is that you can’t get pregnant after age thirty-five. “While your fertility drops,” said Dr. Jen Gunter, OB/GYN and New York Times women’s health columnist, “it’s not zero.”

When a woman turns forty, it is also recommended that she begin screening for breast cancer with annual mammograms.


Your fifties will likely be a time of increasing health ailments, and certain care and prevention should be heeded to keep you safe, healthy, and feeling well. If you are fifty-five or older and you smoke or have quit within the last fifteen years, your risk of lung cancer is higher, and should be evaluated.

As women’s immune systems weaken with age, there are some vaccines that are necessary to ward off serious health complications. Here are a few you should get between ages fifty and sixty-five: the flu shot, tetanus vaccine, zoster vaccine, shingles, and pneumococcal vaccine.

Continued breast cancer screenings are recommended, but by age fifty, you can lessen the frequency from annually to biannually.


While continuing your habits of nutrition, exercise, and sleep, you may need to tweak them as you reach your sixties. Exercise routines should include aerobic activity to improve balance and strength. As bones start to weaken with age, it is important to maintain strong muscles to maintain strong bones.

Preventive measures for major health risks will be vital. It’s time to make adjustments to your health habits to prevent conditions like high heart disease (the deadliest health ailment), cancer, meningitis, osteoporosis, shingles, or incontinence.

It is also time to determine who can make health decisions for you if you are unable to. Should an accident or sudden health incident take away your medical decision-making capacity (the basis of informed consent), you must choose which trusted individual or individuals should be listed to do so.


Congratulations, you’re seventy years young and still kickin’! Time to schedule annual check-ups with your primary care specialist to develop a personalized wellness plan for you. This is distinct from an annual exam or physical, tailored to scan for existing conditions rather than plan for preventing them. If your specialist accepts Medicare, these visits will be covered financially. Ask about any conditions that may limit your mobility and ability to exercise regularly.

Serum for Success: The Rise of Carolina Pharmacy

carolina pharmacy rock hill sc

Just like the communities that it serves, Carolina Pharmacy is rooted in the belief that relationships matter. Unpresuming yet thriving, the six stores that make up the independent pharmacy are close enough to the North Carolina/South Carolina border to claim both states yet still be within short driving distances of each other. But there’s more than meets the eye about the store that to many, is just the little pharmacy around the corner.

Small start, distinctive vision

In 2008, Vic Patel had a big idea. Carolina Pharmacy, his new independent pharmacy in Rock Hill, South Carolina had just opened. Vic knew that what he had to offer his clientele was different.  Business growth was important, but even more so was perfecting personalized service, shorter wait times, a more modern experience, and building trusted relationships with customers. It wasn’t long before he met Chi Patel, a pharmacist who worked just next door at the chain Walgreens. Chi had a background in pharmacy and had been working with big chains for years. A transplant who fell in love with the changing seasons of the South, the Canadian native had worked his way up through Walgreens and was on the business track for company leadership. Yet something didn’t feel quite right.

“I came to the realization while I was working for big pharmacy that quality of care mattered to me more than quantity of customers,” said Chi. “Innately, I knew that independent pharmacy was where I needed to be.”

A parallel customer-focused philosophy and desire to build something extraordinary soon led to a new partnership. Chi left his job to team up with Vic, managing the original Carolina Pharmacy Rock Hill location for the next eight years. As their loyal customer base grew rapidly, Carolina Pharmacy acquired four Lancaster, South Carolina independent pharmacies in that same period.

It wasn’t always easy. Balancing growing a business and providing the utmost in service with life outside of work was like a jigsaw puzzle at times.

“I’m sure a lot of small business owners totally get it when I say that business mixes with life,” says Chi. “It comes home with you – you don’t just turn it off at the end of the day.”

Old school, new growth

By 2016, the team was operating four Carolina Pharmacy locations, including a new site at the Arboretum. Around the same time, they got the opportunity to purchase Walker Drug in the Cotswold neighborhood of Charlotte. 98 years old at the time of purchase, Walker Drug’s renowned neighborhood reputation as a caring hometown pharmacy fit seamlessly with Carolina Pharmacy’s relationship-driven, patient-centered values. The addition of the historic drug store to the Carolina Pharmacy family marked a turning point for Carolina Pharmacy, who had already grown as a leader in the independent pharmacy industry and in the community.

“By the time Walker Drug joined us, we had really transitioned from a mom-and-pop shop to a top independent pharmacy,” said Vic. “We now had the capabilities of big pharmacy – and in some cases, even more capabilities – but held true to that hometown feel and core values of customer care and service first.”

Carolina Pharmacy was filling a unique niche in the Charlotte, Rock Hill and Lancaster communities. With a modern website and app, they were bringing in a younger demographic and pioneering contemporary pharmacy care. But with their high-touch care, focus on convenience, and plans to give back to the community, they were now a destination for healthcare.

The prescription for pharmaceutical success

The pandemic of 2020 and 2021 proved to be pivotal years for many, including Vic and Chi. Healthcare and approaches to healthcare have grown in importance. The Carolina Pharmacy team believes in supporting local and small businesses like their own, and are committed to patient education, including around COVID-19 and the COVID vaccination. Vic and Chi believe that more involved direct patient care is the future foundation of pharmacy practice, and they continue to look for ways to lead in the technology, convenience, and services they offer customers. They hope to continue to share the many ways that independent pharmacies are putting consumers first.

“Undoubtedly, community pharmacies in years to come will serve greater and greater roles when it comes to delivery of care,” said Chi. “We have the training and the knowledge to assess, educate, and work hand-in-hand with medical caregivers to provide a full care experience.”

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