9 reasons to choose your independent pharmacy over mail order prescriptions

9 reasons to choose your independent pharmacy

Your prescriptions delivered through the mail right to your door? Sounds convenient, especially when a pharmacy is miles away and you may not have transportation, need regular refills on prescriptions, or are just busy. But when it comes to your health, it’s important to know that mail order drugs aren’t always what they seem.

According to a nationwide survey of 1,390 adults by the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA), 85% of American adults who rely on prescription medications prefer getting their drugs from a local independent pharmacist versus through the mail. And their preference is with good reason. It can be risky to rely on the unknown to ship something that is so vital to your health.

“Most Americans clearly are not willing to substitute personal care for the perception of convenience,” said pharmacist and NCPA CEO B. Douglas Hoey, MBA. “When they need medicine, they want to talk to a health care provider who knows them.”

An alternative to mail order, of course, is getting your prescriptions through your local independent pharmacy. For adults who opt for independent pharmacies over mail order services, the trust factor plays a big role. Prescriptions can be complicated, and it’s a good bet to stick with pharmacists who know your healthcare needs and understand your conditions.

Here are Carolina Pharmacy’s top 9 reasons to choose your independent pharmacy over mail order prescriptions:

  1. You can’t get a prescription by mail the same day they are prescribed; in fact, they usually take up to two weeks to arrive.
  2. The mail system can be unpredictable, meaning you run the risk of medications arriving late or damaged.
  3. If your medication by mail requires a signature, there is the chance no one is home to sign, and you won’t get your prescription. This is an especially important consideration for life-threatening conditions.
  4. The properties of some drugs can be altered when they are left outside in the weather and elements.
  5. It can be complicated to fill out forms for mail order prescriptions and your healthcare provider may be unaware if your insurance covers mail order.
  6. A local pharmacist offers health support and guidance about your prescriptions that a mail order service cannot.
  7. And independent pharmacy understands you and your health conditions and can provide valuable medical advice.
  8. It’s easy to reach a specific pharmacist or pharmacy tech.
  9. Your local independent pharmacy likely has a delivery service that can get your prescriptions quickly to your door.

“Ultimately, we know our patents better than any mail order service, and can answer their questions and be a trusted counsel. There’s just no replacement for that personal trust.” — Chirag Patel, PharmD, M.B.A.,Chief Operating Officer, Carolina Pharmacy Group.

COVID, or Allergies? How to Tell the Difference

Seasonal allergies vs. COVID-19

If you suffer from allergies, you may feel more reasons for concern this year than in seasons past.

This time last year, we would have raised eyebrows learning our reality would become cocooning ourselves away from each other, wearing protective face masks when daring to venture outside for milk and eggs, and disinfecting everything in sight. Indeed, it’s bizarre to step outside the house and right away fight the urge to sneeze, fearing a skeptical side-eye from other passersby. And if you’re prone to seasonal allergies, you may be concerned about either causing distress to others or, more seriously, whether you may have the COVID-19 virus.

That said, there are some symptomatic differences to note between COVID-19 and those pesky allergies.

Knowing how to spot their distinctions should bring you some peace of mind. The key is watching for variations that stray from your typical seasonal allergies. So, during this pollen-brushed time of year, here’s how to distinguish COVID-19 symptoms from those caused by spring allergies.

How are COVID-19 and allergies similar?

Because both conditions appear to resemble each other, it’s understandable how both sets of symptoms get confused for one another. COVID-19 and allergies affect the respiratory system: allergies can cause inflammation in the lungs, while the coronavirus can affect either the upper respiratory tract (sinuses, nose, and throat) or lower respiratory tract (windpipe and lungs).

Signs of the coronavirus that resemble those of allergies can include cough, fatigue, headache, sore throat, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, congestion, or runny nose.

How are the symptoms different?

Allergy sufferers may breathe with difficulty due to congestion, but they shouldn’t have shortness of breath or fever unless they have asthma. They’re also more prone to sinus pressure rather than the pain of a headache.

As we’ve learned, the virus has multiple symptoms: fever, chills, muscle and body aches, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. These could betray several different ailments, including the common cold, the flu, or a stomach virus. None of these, however, overlap with allergy signs.

In the wintertime, an ongoing question floated throughout the season of how to differentiate signs of COVID-19 from those of the flu. Just the same, specialists advised watching for that same stand-out symptom: loss of taste or smell.

When should I seek medical attention to determine if I may have COVID-19?

  • Your allergies aren’t improving after taking over-the-counter antihistamines, nasal sprays, eye drops, and/or allergy prescriptions after 3-4 days, and your symptoms are worsening.
  • You’ve developed additional symptoms, such as a significant headache, fever, cough, decreased sense of taste or smell, or gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting.
  • You’re experiencing both allergy and/or COVID-19-like symptoms
  • You’ve been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19


Trying to figure whether you might have COVID-19 or simply allergies can be a headache – but it doesn’t have to be. Learn to spot the symptoms that stand out from the usual allergy giveaways – loss of smell or taste, shortness of breath, and headache -, and you’ll be able to spot the difference.

However, if you are experiencing symptoms, we advise following the CDC guidelines of staying home unless to seek medical care and wash your hands regularly.

A Day in the Life with Pharmacist Taylor Fortson

Taylor Fortson Carolina Pharmacy PharmD Cotswold

As a floater pharmacist, Taylor Fortson spends time at multiple locations to ensure that her customers and colleagues are well-taken care of and that things run smoothly. Besides her day-to-day pharmacy work, she embraces behind-the-scenes work that goes into building the company’s brand as she continually looks for innovative ways to introduce Carolina Pharmacy to as many people in the community as possible.

Taylor, who has her Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree, takes great professional pride in working for an independent pharmacy that intricately knows its customers, their families, and medications. Knowing how important service, privacy, and courtesy are in her field, Taylor and the rest of her team maintain excellent relationships with patients and providers to provide the best healthcare possible. Whether engaging with new customers, fielding questions on Carolina Pharmacy’s social media accounts, or filling prescriptions, Taylor feels intrinsically drawn to customer service. She enjoys helping her customers understand what her independent pharmacy offers that is different from chain pharmacies.

Read on for a peek into Taylor’s day-to-day life, including what she does when she’s not at work.


It seems accurate to say that your days are quite busy. How do you prepare yourself mentally each morning for the workday ahead?

I wake up early enough to enjoy my coffee and walk the dogs before leaving for work. But I used to be the type of person that rolled out of bed 15 minutes before I had to leave. I found that too stressful when going to work and being gone all day. I would rather wake up 2 hours before having to leave and have a small lull to read Axios Charlotte or unload the dishwasher than being rushed!

What is your commute like?

If I’m working in the pharmacy (typically Wednesday-Friday/Saturday), it takes 30 minutes to an hour to get to work. People always say how exhausting that must be, but I really appreciate the time to listen to music or podcasts before starting the day.

Your office is the pharmacy! What’s the first thing you do when you arrive?

I move between different pharmacies, so I always get set-up before jumping into the workflow. When the pharmacy gets busy, there are all sorts of things lying on the counter, with the phone ringing and customers coming in, so organization is key!

Since you work “in the office,” how are you staying safe from COVID-19 and keeping others safe?

When I’m doing office work on Mondays/Tuesdays, I work from home, probably the safest option during COVID-19. But in the pharmacy, I feel protected. We wear masks at Carolina Pharmacy. They also provide us with other PPE if we would like to be extra protected (KN95 masks, face shields, gloves). Everyone usually wipes down their station when they arrive each morning and before leaving. My hands are so dry from using hand sanitizer constantly!

Taylor Fortson Phone Carolina Pharmacy Charlotte

Taylor Fortson Carolina Pharmacy Helping Walker Drug

How do you spend your afternoon at work?

I’m usually caught up on filling prescriptions by 1 or 2 p.m., so this is when I heat my lunch and start my “miscellaneous” tasks. I start by checking emails and seeing if anything new is needed immediately. I’m typically bouncing between helping patients who come into the pharmacy and working on my laptop.

Tell us a bit about your co-workers.

On a typical day, two pharmacy technicians work with me. I’m newer to the company, so I really rely on them for certain things with our computer system since it’s difficult to train someone until the “issue arises” such as a prescription prior authorization or certain codes you need to know to add insurance or get a medication to go through insurance. They have all been so helpful and do an amazing job keeping the pharmacy going when I have to work on outside tasks.  I admire their relationships with their patients and lean on them when learning new patient’s names


Why did you choose pharmacy other another healthcare specialty?

I always wanted to go into the healthcare field but, full confession…the sight of blood makes my stomach turn! After one of my family members suggested pharmacy, I loved that we are one of the most accessible healthcare providers. It’s easy for a patient to talk to us outside of an appointment whether they come in or call the pharmacy.

How do you unwind from work?

My husband is an amazing cook and is usually cooking dinner when I get home, so I love to sit with him while he cooks, and I enjoy a glass of wine. My 2021 resolution was skincare, so I’ve been doing many face masks after work which is very relaxing. On my days off, I enjoy lake days on the boat, walking my two dogs, working on home improvement projects, and going to the gym.

Carolina Pharmacy Colsult Cotswold

How do you unwind from work?

My husband is an amazing cook and is usually cooking dinner when I get home, so I love to sit with him while he cooks, and I enjoy a glass of wine. My 2021 resolution was skincare, so I’ve been doing many face masks after work which is very relaxing. On my days off, I enjoy lake days on the boat, walking my two dogs, working on home improvement projects, and going to the gym.

What makes you want to come back to work day after day?

My company! I see many of my friends struggle with working for chain pharmacies, and I can’t help but think how lucky I am to work for an independent pharmacy. It’s an enjoyable work environment that allows me to connect with patients each day. I’m not just there to fill their prescriptions but to help them be the healthiest version of themselves. As I said earlier, we’re one of the most accessible healthcare providers, but we also have great relationships with doctors in the area, which helps give our patients the best care.

The Common Myths vs. Facts About COVID-19 Testing

Myths vs. Facts About COVID-19 Testing

Misinformation about COVID-19 or infodemic, as WHO calls it, spreads like wildfire. When it comes to public safety and health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be deadly and put more lives at risk. As a trusted pharmacy and COVID testing site in Charlotte, Lancaster, and Rock Hill, our concern lies in the impact of misleading COVID information and the gravity of its effect on the current pandemic. 

In this post, we will get things straight about the common myths about COVID-19 tests to help spread science-backed information about the purpose, accuracy, and costs of COVID-19 tests.  

Debunking myths about COVID-19 testing

Here are the common myths that can mislead you and your family from the facts concerning COVID testing:

Myth #1: Testing for COVID-19 is ALWAYS free.

According to FFCRA and CARES Act, COVID tests are covered 100% by private health insurance companies, Medicaid, and Medicare if:

  • The testing center is part of the in-network healthcare providers of your insurance company.
  • Your insurance company allows reimbursements for COVID-testing. 
  • The test is considered medically appropriate by a medical professional for diagnostic purposes. It is usually for insured patients exposed to the virus or works in high-risk industries, either symptomatic or asymptomatic.

There are limits to the coverage mentioned in the CARES and FFCRA Act. These include:

  • There are no price regulations for COVID tests set by testing facilities. Therefore, a patient will shoulder any difference beyond the test price list and services outside the negotiated charges between the insurance company and test provider.

Carolina Pharmacy COVID tests price list Carolina Pharmacy COVID-19 test price list[/caption]

  • Uninsured individuals and out-of-network testing sites cannot bill your insurance company. 

Carolina Pharmacy accepts coverage from FSA/HSA and provides an itemized receipt for our patients so you can reimburse the testing costs to your insurance provider if they allow it. Here is a comprehensive list of insurance companies and their response to COVID-related claims. 

Myth #2: Antigen test results are inaccurate.

While there are situations where confirmatory tests are required, an antigen test is a 100% indication that you have COVID. Here are the reasons why:

  • An antigen test detects the distinct antigen found in the COVID-19 virus. That is the reason why most airports and restricted public areas honor the negative antigen test results when you fly in and out of the country or state. 
  • It serves as a quick detection for individuals with exposure to the virus and if a recovered COVID patient is still contagious.
  • It is also a crucial key indicator used for places in congregate settings or buildings with multiple tenants in which the fastest turnaround time for detection is the highest priority.  
  • A healthcare professional considers several factors before he rules out that a patient has a false-positive or false-negative result. An antigen test taken in less than five days after being exposed to the virus is too early to extract enough protein samples detectable by the antigen test. Thus, leading to a false negative antigen test result.

Myth #3: COVID tests increase the likelihood of a surge in COVID positive cases. 

The misunderstanding of the relative effect of COVID testing and the number of positive cases is the culprit of this myth. The role of COVID testing is to gauge the infection rate and location of COVID infection. If more people are tested positive, this is a clear indication that community transmission is at its peak, and therefore the pandemic is surging

A significant factor in most infection hotspots is human behavior that calls for more stringent safety protocol implementation from local authorities. 

Myth #4: Testing centers are taking advantage of the pandemic by charging for COVID tests.

Patients are bound to shoulder COVID testing costs from testing sites that are out of their insurance network. However, there are certain benefits when you consider taking a test in an out-of-network testing facility, such as:

  • Most hospitals and major testing centers are processing an overwhelming volume of tests per day that can delay the results. So, most of these centers refer patients to independent testing sites like Carolina Pharmacy, which can release same-day COVID antigen test results.
  • COVID testing costs are also 54% less on independent testing sites with no surprise costs. We offer COVID tests that range from $120 to a maximum of $160 compared to the $350 testing fee in other hospitals and healthcare providers. 

Get peace of mind by testing for COVID-19 now at Carolina Pharmacy

Nothing beats the feeling of security when it comes to your safety. Get the assurance that you need by securing a negative test result if you are:

  • Suspecting that you have COVID
  • Exposed to the virus
  • Want to have peace of mind that you are not infected
  • Required to obtain a negative test result for travel or work
  • Experience some of the COVID symptoms for five or more days

Help prevent the spread of COVID and schedule your COVID-19 test now. Carolina Pharmacy offers curbside COVID Antigen and RT-PCR tests at our testing sites below:

COVID-19 Tests: What Are The Differences?

COVID-19 Tests in Charlotte

In Phase 3 of lifting COVID-19 restrictions in North Carolina, more establishments are now starting to re-open as we adjust to the new normal. Aside from masks and face shields, another part of the new normal is securing a negative COVID-19 test result to travel out of the country or book a hotel. 

However, since taking a COVID-19 test is a new step for most of us, it’s worth checking which COVID tests are available and what to expect when you get one. In this post, we’ll discuss different types of COVID tests, how the samples are collected, and the test result waiting time. 

Different types of COVID-19 tests

After several months in the pandemic, there are now three COVID-19 tests that will help identify if you have an active infection or you’ve been infected in the past. These include:

Molecular test or RT-PCR test

The molecular test or the real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction is a diagnostic test that detects if you have an active coronavirus infection in your body. It identifies the nucleic acid produced by the SARS-COV2 virus from your saliva or sputum. 

  • Accuracy: RT-PCR test is considered the most accurate test at the moment
  • Test procedure: The specimen is taken through a swab sample from your nasopharyngeal (nasal or throat) saliva. 
  • Processing time: You can get the result for this test on the same day you were tested or in a week. The release of test results depends on the volume processed by the testing facility. 

Antigen test

The antigen test is the second diagnostic test conducted for the detection of COVID-19. It detects the specific viral proteins of SARS-COV2 in your saliva and helps diagnose if you have an active coronavirus infection in your body.

  • Accuracy: It’s the second most accurate test for COVID due to some tendencies with false-positive results in some cases. A confirmatory RT-PCR test will be required if you have symptoms of COVID and tested negative in the antigen test. 
  • Test procedure: The specimen is taken through a swab sample from your nasopharyngeal (nasal or throat) saliva. 
  • Processing time: You can get the results within 10 to 30 minutes. 

Antibody test

The antibody test detects if you were infected with COVID-19 in the past. The test identifies the antibodies that your body created to fight the virus. If the test confirms that you have active COVID antibodies in your blood, your blood plasma may help those who have critical complications due to COVID-19. 

  • Accuracy: The antibody test can’t identify if you have an active coronavirus in your body. It only detects the history of COVID infection.  
  • Test procedure: The specimen is taken through a blood sample.
  • Processing time: You can get the results on the same day or within three days. 

The sample specimens are processed by mixing chemicals with the swab samples, and the chemical reaction will determine if you are positive with COVID-19 or not. 

Carolina Pharmacy now offers rapid COVID-19 tests

In our aim to provide quality care for our patients, rapid COVID tests are now available at our Arboretum location. We offer the following COVID-19 diagnostic tests:

COVID-19 Rapid antigen test

  • Best for: Patients that are required to have health clearance for workplace purposes or to confirm that they are not infected 
  • Processing time: 10 minutes

COVID-19 RT-PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test

  • Best for: Patients who are traveling abroad or to confirm that they are not infected 
  • Processing time: 1- 3 days

Learn more about our COVID testing services by calling us now or schedule your test by filling up this online form

Flu Vaccine in 2020: What Everyone Should Know

Flu vaccine in Charlotte

The fall season’s cold winds and stunning foliage also comes with a reminder for the upcoming flu season. The annual peak of the flu is just a month away, and a flu vaccine needs a couple of weeks before it could make you immune to seasonal viruses.

As we welcome November, let’s discuss how the flu vaccine works and its role in boosting your immunity during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

Key facts about the flu vaccine

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about flu vaccines. As we become more health-conscious amid the pandemic, here are some facts that you should know about flu vaccines:

  • A flu vaccine takes approximately two weeks before our body builds enough antibodies to fight seasonal viruses.
  • Fever and muscle aches are normal responses of our immune system when introduced with foreign bodies from the flu vaccine. 
  • You can still get sick after getting a flu vaccine. Flu vaccines are cultured based on certain types of seasonal viruses and do not cover the new and unknown types of viruses like COVID. 
  • Other factors that limit the ability of the flu vaccine to boost immunity depends on every individual. The level of immunity to the virus that the flu vaccine provides depends on:
    • Age
    • Medical condition(chronic illnesses)
    • Immune system
  • Some flu vaccines are tested on eggs that make those allergic to it hesitant to take flu shots. However, extreme allergic reactions are rare in those who are allergic to eggs. If you have a severe allergic reaction like anaphylaxis, get your flu shot from a medical practitioner that can handle your condition.
  • There are different kinds of flu vaccines, namely:

What to know about the current flu season

According to the CDC, both flu and COVID-19 viruses will be circulating in this year’s fall and winter. That’s why medical experts encourage everyone to get a flu shot as early as possible. Manufacturers prepared about 164-198 million doses of the flu vaccine to cover the 2020-2021 season.  

Flu vaccine benefits

Even though flu vaccines can’t provide 100% immunity to all kinds of viruses, it contributes to the decrease of flu-related diseases and deaths. Benefits of flu vaccines include: 

Will the flu vaccine help with COVID-19?

Our current flu vaccines don’t provide immunity against COVID-19. However, it can help strengthen our immune system against seasonal flu that may increase our risk of getting infected with COVID and suffer severe complications. 

Get your family’s annual flu vaccine this November at the nearest Carolina Pharmacy in your area. You may also contact us to learn more about our vaccination program or visit our branches in Charlotte, Lancaster, and Rock Hill

Protect your family now and allow the vaccine to be in full-effect right before the flu season comes. 

Knowing Your Vitamins: Ascorbic Acid vs. Sodium Ascorbate

Difference between ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate

While we’re in a pandemic, most of us are trying our best to be at our best health to avoid getting infected or at least recover if our lab results show that we are positive for COVID. Vitamins C has become one of our go-to supplements to improve our health. In this article, we will discuss the top two types of vitamin C in boosting your immune health.

How Vitamin C helps in boosting your immune system amid COVID-19

Vitamin C plays an essential role in building more T-cells that fight bacteria and viruses in our bodies. It is also a key component in building more immune cells and keeping them healthy. You can get it in most fruits and vegetables, but the high concentration of vitamin C comes from citrus fruits like lemon.

COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that comes from a virus that has not yet been seen in humans before. It targets those individuals with a compromised immune system and attacks the lungs. So amping up your intake of vitamin C helps boost your immune system and can keep viruses at bay.

Difference between ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate

Ascorbic acid is the purest kind of vitamin C. On the other hand, another kind of vitamin C is sodium ascorbate which contains vitamin C attached to minerals. Let’s discuss each of these forms of vitamins below:

Ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid is by far one of the known forms of vitamin C. It is a water-soluble vitamin that helps keep our skin, hair, and bones healthy. Most fruits and vegetables contain ascorbic acid, and its drug form helps treat those who have vitamin C deficiency, scurvy, delayed wound, and bone healing.

Sodium ascorbate

Sodium ascorbate is a form of vitamin C that has sodium components that help lower its acidity levels. The sodium content helps vitamin C to be easily absorbed and stay longer in the body. It serves as an antioxidant that helps keep your cells from damage and keep them healthy.

What type of Vitamin C is best for you?

Both ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate are good sources of antioxidants and help boost your immune health. However, since ascorbic acid is an organic acid, it can increase in the PH levels in your stomach and may trigger hyperacidity for those who are suffering from it.

On the other hand, sodium ascorbate may increase the sodium levels of patients with hypertension, diabetes, and kidney disease that can cause more harm than good.

Ask our pharmacists for the best vitamin C for your family

Supplements are good instant sources of vitamins and minerals for our bodies. However, patients with pre-existing medical conditions might experience side effects with the vitamins that contain chemicals that can make their conditions worse.

If you want to make sure of what’s best for your family, ask our pharmacists. Let us assist you with your prescriptions and vitamins at any of our locations in Charlotte, Lancaster, or Rock Hill.

Is It Coronavirus Or Just Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies vs. COVID-19

A runny nose during a pandemic can be worrisome since COVID-19 has similar symptoms. While it’s essential not to panic over your symptoms, lack of knowledge in distinguishing the difference between seasonal allergies and COVID can cost lives. In this article, we’ll discuss the symptoms that separate COVID from seasonal allergies.

Similarities and Differences Between COVID-19 and Allergies

The flu-like symptoms of COVID-19 make us suspicious at every sneeze or cough. However, the similarities between COVID and allergies are not limited to those symptoms that’s why it’s easy to mistake a simple allergy as coronavirus. These two conditions share the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue

Symptoms of seasonal allergies

Seasonal allergies occur when a person’s immune response mistakes a certain allergen as the body’s enemy. The immune system will overreact to the allergen in the form of inflammation. The nasal and sinus cavities become inflamed and filled with fluid that causes congestion.

The nose will then produce more mucus as a defense mechanism to contain the mistaken ‘foreign invader’. When the person lies on his back, the mucus can drip to the throat that can trigger a cough. Headache also comes with nasal congestion due to sinus pressure.

Allergy is a sign of a weak immune system and develops from various causes like pollution, age, and underlying medical conditions that affect the immune system. Specific symptoms of seasonal allergies include constant sneezing and watery eyes.

Symptoms of coronavirus

COVID-19 or Coronavirus Disease is a contagious respiratory infection that targets the lungs. Anyone can be infected but the symptoms and complications are worse for the immunocompromised.

The early symptoms of COVID are mild, and if the person has a strong immune system, he can be asymptomatic to the disease or show no signs of infection. The following are symptoms of COVID-19 but not of seasonal allergies:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Body aches
  • Loss of taste and smell

How to Treat Allergies During COVID-19

Allergy is a condition that results from the unusual response of our immune system to certain substances. Therefore, the inflammation involved is part of our biological process and allergies are not a condition that can be cured. It can only be managed with lifestyle changes and antihistamine medications.

It’s important to know how to manage your allergies because it can progress into a life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis. Here are some tips to help you manage seasonal allergies:

  • Identify your triggers and avoid them going forward.
  • Consume more anti-inflammatory foods and drinks and try facial steaming to relieve congestion.
  • Drink more water to maintain hydration. A dry mouth can serve as a gateway for viruses to enter your body.
  • Keep washing your hands and follow safety protocols against COVID-19.
  • Call your doctor or pharmacist for the appropriate prescription for your allergy.

How Carolina Pharmacy Can Help with Allergy Treatment

Our pharmacists can suggest over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants that can work for mild allergic reactions. You can get your allergy medications at the nearest Carolina Pharmacy near your area. We have branches located in Charlotte, Lancaster, and Rock Hill. To learn more about our prescription refills and transfer services, you may contact us at 1-833-MY-PHARM.

How Medication Synchronization Limits Physical Contact Amid COVID-19

Medication Synchronization helps limit physical contact during the pandemic

During a pandemic, stakes are higher for those who are immunocompromised. Thanks to medication synchronization, high-risk patients no longer need to risk exposure to the virus for their medications. All it takes is one trip to the pharmacy or one delivery day to have all their medications.

4 Ways medication synchronization keeps you safe during a pandemic

Medication synchronization or med sync at Carolina Pharmacy enables our patients to pick up their prescription refills and other medications once or twice a month. Part of this patient care program is to remind our patients via text or email about their scheduled prescription refills so they won’t miss them and maintain their medication adherence.
With COVID-19, the med sync program can help you:

1. Avoid delays in prescription refills

Independent pharmacies track your next prescription refill and make sure that you can pick them up right before your stock empties out. The best thing about medication synchronization is the assurance and peace of mind of having your prescribed medications exactly when you need them.

2. Keep your stock of prescription medication in check

The pandemic has affected the global supply of essential needs due to the sudden and rapid widespread of the Coronavirus. Thus, triggering one of the biggest fears of patients – drug shortage. With med sync programs, patients can assure that they have enough buffer of medications for an entire month so that they don’t have to worry about running out of stock.

3. Maintain medication adherence amid quarantine

Medical needs are continuous even if the world stalled for a while due to the lockdown. Immunocompromised patients still need the support of medications and medication synchronization programs, which can help them stay on track and continue their medications by having a month-long supply.

4. Minimize patient contact through monthly scheduled pick up

Medication synchronization helps limit the volume of patients coming to pharmacies and the frequency of a patient’s outdoor exposure resulting in less physical contact. Patients only need one trip to the pharmacy or one delivery day to get their medical supplies for the whole month.

Carolina Pharmacy wants to keep you safe with our medication services

As we hope for the pandemic to pass, life must go on and we at Carolina Pharmacy aim to help you stay safe with our medication synchronization programs. Stay home and keep your family safe by letting us manage your medication errands for you with the following services:

Med Sync or Medication Synchronization: Our pharmacists can help consolidate all your medications so you only need to pick them up once.

PakMyMeds: We pack your medicines based on your doctor’s prescription along with the right prescribed dosage. So, all you have to do is take the medicine you need when it’s due.

Prescription delivery: Diabetic and other immunocompromised patients no longer need to risk going outside because we can deliver their medications right to their doorstep.

Choose the most convenient access to your medications with Carolina Pharmacy. We provide medication synchronization and prescription refills in Charlotte, Rock Hill, and Lancaster. Prescription delivery is available at our Lancaster locations below:

Let us know how we can help you by calling us now at 1-833-MY-PHARM.

COVID-19 Effect: Disrupted Sleep As A Growing Norm

A woman having disrupted sleep during quarantine

Since the quarantine began, many of us are experiencing disrupted sleep at night. The pandemic has suddenly changed every aspect of our lives and broke the routine we are accustomed to. With COVID-19 at hand, sleep is one of the natural immune-boosters and we can maximize our health with some self-care tips for better sleep.

Reasons why you keep having disrupted sleep at night

People are losing jobs, have health concerns, and isolated. Not being able to go out is enough reason to feel anxious, stressed and depressed. These feelings are the perfect recipe to keep you awake at night, only to make your stress levels soar higher.

Other lifestyle-related reasons include:

How to get quality sleep at night during quarantine

It can be hard not to worry during these uncertain times. However, our health can be at risk if we keep experiencing disrupted sleep. The good thing is that we can make lifestyle changes to boost our health by sleeping more. You can try these sleep tips below during this quarantine:

  • Set your mindset on seeing the sunrise as a goal: Imagine waking up with the sunrise outside your window. Nature has healing capabilities to us humans, both physically and emotionally, so watch as much sunrise as you can.
  • Set a routine for your sleep: Create a quarantine routine. Prioritize work and studying in the morning, limit leisure time and strictly follow your bedtime hours.
  • Refrain from eating or drinking 4 hours before bedtime: Feeling full before bedtime not only makes you gain weight but can also skyrocket your energy at night.
  • Avoid having screen time 2 hours before sleeping: Resist the urge to check your phone in bed and try to turn-off its WiFi settings so the notifications won’t bug you at night.
  • Sleep in your bed and not on the couch: Thinking of your bed as a place to sleep helps train your mind in the long run. So reserve the working stuff for your couch and keep the bed for sleeping.
  • Get a daily dose of natural light: Help your circadian rhythm get back to its normal cycle by getting more natural light right outside your house. You may bask in the morning sunshine while gardening or working on your porch. Talk about multi-tasking!

Ask our pharmacists for other sleep solutions

When you tried your best to change your lifestyle and still end up being a night owl, Carolina Pharmacy can assist you with sleeping supplements. Carolina Pharmacy – Hwy 9 Bypass branch has available sleep aids like Sundance Melatonin Vitamin Tablets and Nature’s Truth Melatonin Tablets.

Ask our pharmacists for the best sleep solutions for you.

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