Common Spring Illnesses and How to Avoid Them

common spring illnesses and how to avoid them

Spring marks the end of winter. It’s a signal for people to come outdoors because warmer days are here. Of course, with COVID-19 quarantine orders in effect, we are all advised to stay indoors. However, staying indoors doesn’t mean that we can completely avoid common Spring illnesses.

It is best to be aware of these common illnesses, so you can take measures to avoid them. It is scary to get sick these days especially with the coronavirus pandemic going on. You need your body to stay healthy, so you have a fighting chance against the deadly virus.

What are the Common Spring Illnesses?


How many times have you sneezed today? 

You might be suffering from spring allergies. Trees and flowers are budding, the grass is growing – pollens are everywhere! They are virtually unavoidable. Unless you have kept your windows completely shut, you will likely inhale a few or more of these pollens.

Fortunately, all the sneezing and other Spring allergy symptoms can be relieved with over-the-counter medications.


Asthma is fairly common in Spring, which is not surprising because there are just so many triggers including fertilizers, pollen, and even the change in temperature. It might be a good idea to have your inhaler at hand at all times if you have asthma.

You also need to manage your asthma well because the condition places you at risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms.

Colds from Rhinoviruses

Rhinoviruses are common causes of colds. These viruses can be spread easily during springtime. Just as in flu season and the coronavirus pandemic, it is best to wash your hands regularly to avoid getting the rhinoviruses.


If your child’s eye suddenly starts itching uncontrollably, you might want to have your pink eye medication ready. Conjunctivitis is fairly common during this time of year. They are often due to allergies and not infections. Often, they are not contagious.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is common when temperatures are above 35 degrees. Deer ticks are most active in these temperatures, and it is those ticks that transmit the disease. Although you are in quarantine, make sure to bring tick repellant if you go outdoors.  

Check your body for ticks when you’re outside and remove the tick with tweezers. Place the tick inside a resealable bag just in case you have a reaction, and watch out for symptoms of Lyme disease.

How to Avoid Getting Sick from Common Spring Illnesses

With bugs, colds, and pollens all around you this Spring, here are some tips on how you can keep colds at bay and avoid spring allergies and other illnesses:

  • Keep your house clean from germs, pollens, and viruses. Wipe down frequently used surfaces with cleansing wipes. Disinfect at all times! 
  • Avoid touching your face, nose, eyes, and mouth. This is the fastest way to get infected with colds and yes, the coronavirus.
  • Take multivitamins and supplements to strengthen your immune system.
  • Grab a saline spray to help get rid of pollen and bacteria in your nasal passages.
  • Sweat it out! Make sure to keep your body healthy by exercising. This will help strengthen your immune system.
  • Get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. You need a lot of zzz’s these days. Not only are you strengthening your body against Spring illnesses, but you’re also boosting your immune system against the coronavirus.
  • Get your flu shot. It will help protect you against the common flu. It’s as simple as that.
  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Give your body a fighting chance against bacteria and viruses by eating foods that are rich in nutrients.

Spring is beautiful but it brings a lot of common illnesses, so make sure to keep your body healthy to avoid getting these diseases and illnesses.

What is COVID-19?

what is covid-19

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, belongs in the family of coronaviruses. This is one of the seven types of coronaviruses, a type of coronavirus that causes respiratory problems in humans.

Like the viruses, MERS and SARS, COVID-19 may have likely evolved from viruses within animals. It causes flu or colds-like symptoms in people and poses a serious health threat.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19?

The incubation period of COVID-19 is about 5 days; although some people have experienced symptoms as early as 2-3 days from exposure or infection. 97.5% of people, however, will show symptoms within 11.5 days from the infection.

The earliest symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Some people develop other symptoms like headache, general body malaise, fatigue, and sore throat. There are reports of people who do not experience any symptoms despite a positive COVID-19 test result.

If you start experiencing fever, sore throat, or a cough that worsens as days go by or if you start developing other symptoms, you should go to the emergency room. 

You are especially at risk if you have been in close contact with a person confirmed to have COVID-19, or if you have recently traveled to an area with a coronavirus epidemic.

What to Do If You Think You Are Exhibiting Symptoms of COVID-19

Alert your doctor if you think you are showing symptoms of the coronavirus infection, especially if you have been exposed to anyone who was found to be COVID-19 positive or have traveled to a place where the virus is spreading. If you think that you’ve been exposed at work, alert your supervisor immediately.

Your healthcare provider will work with local health officials to collect clinical specimens that will be tested for COVID-19.

Is COVID-19 Treatable?

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine for this coronavirus yet. Vaccines are being developed and undergoing trials. Hopefully, one will be available for distribution soon. Hospitals, however, are providing healthcare to people found to be infected with the virus.

Do NOT Take Ibuprofen

The World Health Organization recommended that patients exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 infection should avoid taking ibuprofen. French officials have found out that the drug could worsen the symptoms and effects of this coronavirus.

The enzymes that are boosted by ibuprofen worsens the infection. It may even worsen the condition of an acute kidney injury. 

Instead, acetaminophen should be used to treat COVID-19 symptoms.

Here is a list of medications containing ibuprofen:

Who Is at Risk?

The elderly, particularly those aged 60 and above, as well as people who are suffering from underlying health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, lung disease, asthma, heart disease, or cancer are at greater risk of developing severe to critical illness from this coronavirus.

How to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus

While the immediate risk of infection may be low at this time, everyone should take steps to protect themselves and prevent the spread of the virus:

  • Wash, wash, and wash your hands! This can never be overemphasized enough. Make sure to wash your hands at least 20 seconds after coughing, blowing your nose, using the bathroom, preparing food, or before eating. Regular soap can kill the virus.
  • Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands.
  • Observe social distancing. Stay at home and avoid going out unless it’s necessary.
  • Stay at home for 14 days and quarantine yourself in a room if you start exhibiting symptoms of coughs and fever to protect your loved ones and other people.
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and throw away the tissue in the trash.
  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces repeatedly and regularly.
  • Get your flu shot if you haven’t already!

Our Message to Our Customers

Again, Carolina Pharmacy recognizes your concern, and we want to assure you that your health and well-being are our primary concern and priority. Thus, we are taking every step necessary to provide the pharmaceutical services you’ve always relied on.

We are taking precautions to ensure that our pharmacy and environment is safe and clean. We have also remained in close contact with the federal and state agencies to keep ourselves updated with any new developments to be guided accordingly.

We remain fully operational, and our staff is available to address any of your concerns related to your prescriptions and health needs.

We recommend these sources for accurate and factual information about this epidemic:

Top 6 Questions to Ask Your Pharmacist

op 6 questions to ask your pharmacy in charlotte

The next time you visit your local pharmacy, you might want to pose a few questions to your pharmacist.  It doesn’t matter if you’ve taken your medications for years or just a few days, you need to understand the medication you are taking and how they interact with your body.

So, what are the questions that you need to ask your pharmacist?

What is My Medication and What is It For?

When you call your pharmacy for a refill, you need to know the name of your medicationYou also need to know what it is for. Generic medications come in different sizes and colors.  Brand-name medications often combine two kinds of medicines.

You need to know the name of your medicine, so you would know what to tell your pharmacist when you follow up on your refill. This information is also important in case of an emergency. This will automatically inform any medical staff what your condition is.

How and When Do I Take My Medication?

When it comes to your medications, you need to know how and when to take it. There is no room for error. The way and the time you take your medication can affect the dosage. Some medications need to be taken at the same time every day while other medications need to be taken as prescribed even if you are already feeling better.

It might be a good idea to synchronize your medication, so you won’t miss out on scheduled doses. You can schedule a pickup date with your pharmacy to get your prescription regularly, usually on a monthly basis.

Are There Other Medications, Foods, or Drinks That I Need to Avoid?

Make sure to ask your pharmacist if there are foods or drinks that you need to avoid while taking your medications. There are medicines that you might also need to avoid as well.  These things can influence the effect of the medications that you’re taking.

Are There Side Effects?

Some medications have side effects, which can be common or dangerous. That’s why you need to ask your pharmacist what side effects to expect from your medications. You will also benefit from reading the prescription label, particularly the paragraph on possible side effects.

How Should I Store My Medication?

Medications need to be kept in a cool, dry place. Keep it away from humidity or harsh sunlight. Most people store it in the bathroom when it’s actually the worst place to store your medications. It can get humid when you turn on the shower.

Keep your medicine away from humidity. Some medications require refrigeration. Do not place your medication in the car or window sill as well. Keep your medicine in your carry on when traveling. It is always a good idea to ask your pharmacist how to best store your medication.

What Happens If I Miss My Dose?

Doubling-up on dosages after missing a dose may not be a good idea. Make sure to ask your pharmacist what to do if you miss a dose. Doubling up may put your health at risk, and you could wind up in the emergency room.

It is important to know the answers to these questions. If you are unsure about any of these questions, you might want to call your local pharmacy for inquiries.

Spring Allergies: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

spring allergies causes, symptoms and treatment

Everyone looks forward to spring. It’s everyone’s favorite season, but it’s also the season for spring allergies. Plants release pollen, and people start sniffing and sneezing. Welcome to allergy season! There is no permanent cure, but there are ways to survive spring allergies.

What Causes Spring Allergies?

The biggest sneezing trigger is pollen. Unfortunately, it is everywhere during springtime. Trees, shrubs, grasses, weeds – they all release small grains that get in the air and into your nose, which then triggers sneezing and sniffling.

Your immune system sees these pollens as dangerous, so the body tends to release histamines, a type of antibody, to fight off these allergens. This triggers itchy eyes, a runny nose, and other allergy symptoms.  

Pollen, once released from trees and plants, can travel for miles. This means the culprit is not just the plants in your area, but those from other neighborhoods as well. Pollen counts are particularly high on windy days, and the wind blows the pollen away to long distances.

What are the Symptoms of Spring Allergies?

The symptoms of allergies include:

  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Itchy eyes and nose
  • Dark circles under the eyes

Best Remedy for Spring Allergies

If you are suffering from severe allergy symptoms, you may want to consult with an allergist for tests. The specialist may perform a skin test, which may involve either pricking the surface of your skin with a small amount of allergen or a small amount of diluted allergen under your skin. If you are allergic, this may create a small red bump, which indicates an allergy.

Over-the-Counter Allergy Treatments

There are a lot of medicines that can help relieve the symptoms of spring allergies. These medicines include:

  • Antihistamines, which help reduce itchiness and alleviate sneezing and sniffling. This helps reduce the amount of histamine in your blood.
  • Decongestants, which help shrink blood vessels in your nasal passageways. They help relieve congestion and swelling.

When combined, these medications offer the effects of both drugs. When it comes to relieving congestion, nasal spray relieves clogged nasal passageways faster than oral medicines. You might want to take eye drops to help with itchy and watery eyes.

You can buy these medications without prescriptions. Antihistamines can cause grogginess or sleepiness, so be careful when taking them during the day. These medicines can interfere with work or day activities.

If you are suffering from spring allergies, you might want to talk to your doctor if you need to take these medications for more than a few days. You might need more than just the over-the-counter medications that you can buy from Carolina Pharmacy.

If you need to refill your allergy prescription, contact us today.

5 Benefits of Medication Synchronization

medication synchronization

Medication synchronization is the process of coordinating medication refills, so people can pick them up on the same day every month. It is performed by pharmacies, and it helps avoid the likelihood of people missing their doses.

How Medication Synchronization Works

So, how do you get your pharmacist to synchronize your medication?

First off, you need to talk to your pharmacy about enrolling in medication synchronization. You can also find a local pharmacy that can accommodate your request. Once you’re enrolled, your pharmacist will review your prescriptions and create a plan to synchronize all of them, so you will be able to pick them up on a single day every month.

The pharmacy would often confirm your pickup date a week prior and request that you complete any requirements before they can refill your prescriptions. After reviewing any changes, the pharmacy staff will prepare one package, which includes all your medication.

You can then pick up your medications on a scheduled date. The same process repeats every month. You can pick all the prescribed medications at once.

Why Should You Synchronize Your Medication?

People tend to miss their doses because they fail to refill their prescriptions before they run out of medications. Unfortunately, failing to take your medications can adversely affect your health. You place your health in serious jeopardy.

Through medication synchronization or med sync, you can get your local pharmacy to refill your prescription proactively so you will never miss taking your medication. They will work closely with you to make sure that you get your medications regularly.

Pharmacies do not usually charge an additional cost for med sync. Oftentimes, the pharmacy will dispense a shorter or longer medication supply for your pick up.

5 Benefits of Medication Synchronization

Adherence to medication schedule

Medication synchronization helps ensure that you adhere to your medication schedule. From meeting the correct dosage, taking the medications at proper intervals, and not failing to take any of your medications, med sync ensures that you will have the right medications at all times.

Improvement of health

Med sync can help improve your health. Oftentimes, long-term medications are prescribed to patients with serious chronic illnesses or who are at risk of developing health conditions. With synchronization, patients can get a steady supply of medications before they run out.

Best value of money

With med sync, people get the best value for their money. The expenses one would incur with getting their prescriptions filled also include the cost of doctor’s checkup and other expenses. When you miss out on taking your meds, you also end up wasting your money. With med sync, you do not waste a single cent.


If you are taking several medications, it can be time-consuming to keep going back to the pharmacy for your medications. With med sync, you only need to make one trip per month.

med sync

Eases the Burden

If you are taking care of a loved one with multiple prescriptions, med sync will help ease the burden for caregivers like you. There is so much to think of — doctor’s appointments, meals, basic needs, and medications. Med sync helps ensure that you wouldn’t have to worry about getting regular refills.

If you are considering medication synchronization, get in touch with us today, and we will help you get all your medications at a single date every month.

How to Transfer a Prescription to Another Pharmacy

how to transfer a prescription to another pharmacy

Perhaps, you’re moving to a new city or state, or maybe you’ve found a pharmacy that sells medications at a much lower price. So, maybe you’re wondering how to transfer your prescriptions to another pharmacy.

Why Do People Transfer Their Prescriptions?

There are some things you need to deal with when transferring your prescriptions. You need to transfer medical records, and there are several other hurdles to go through. However, transferring a prescription is a regular occurrence these days because of these reasons:

  • Take advantage of discounts and coupons from independent pharmacies. With the availability of discounts and coupons, people will explore their options in terms of discounts, savings, and convenience for their pharmaceutical needs.
  • Availability of compound drugs. More and more pharmacies are compounding drugs to meet specific needs. With today’s medical advancements, pharmacies are now compounding drugs for thousands of Americans.
  • Other personal reasons. People switch pharmacies due to various reasons like long wait times, absence of delivery, lack of personalized service, absence of preventative care, and more.

Things to Remember When Switching Pharmacies

Once you’ve found a new pharmacy, these tips will help you switch and transfer prescriptions smoothly.

Get in Touch with the New Pharmacy

Talk to the new pharmacy about your plans to switch. Make sure to list your prescription name and RX number. You may need to submit a profile of your medical history as well.

The new pharmacy can contact the old one by phone, or you can inform your old pharmacy of your plans to switch. There are pharmacies that allow people to transfer prescriptions online through an app.

Know Your Medications

Before switching pharmacies, you need to make sure that the new pharmacy offers your prescriptions. There are certain medications like Adderall, Percocet, and Oxycontin that may not be transferred to a new pharmacy.

There are medications that you can transfer only once. These medications include Ambien and Xanax. In both instances, you will need a new prescription to get more medications.

Inform Your Physician

Before you switch pharmacies, it is a great idea to inform your doctor first. Refills may not work with your new pharmacy. You will likely need new prescriptions for some medications. If you haven’t decided on any new pharmacy, your physician may be able to suggest one.

Once you’ve decided on a new pharmacy, inform your physician, so he can update your prescriptions.

Transfer Your Prescription in 3 Easy Steps

Here are the 3 simple steps to transferring your prescription and switching pharmacies:

Get your prescriptions from your old pharmacy.

You will need your prescription information when switching pharmacies. Get in touch with your old pharmacy, and get the name, prescription number, and strength of your medications. Stop by, call in, or go online to request the information.

Prepare Your Insurance Information

You will need to give the new pharmacy your insurance information. You can send the information online. It should include your name, date of birth, address, phone number, and  medical history including allergy information. Carolina Pharmacy can facilitate the transfer of your prescriptions quickly through our online app.

Wait for the Transfer

The amount of time your new pharmacy needs to complete the transfer would depend on the number of prescriptions needed to be moved. It will take one to three days to complete the process. Make sure to provide the pharmacy with your contact number, so they can get in touch with you in case of possible issues.

If you are considering switching pharmacies, do not hesitate to get in touch with us and we will be happy to help you transfer prescriptions.

A Broken Healthcare System: Is the PBM Industry to be Blamed?

pbm industry and its effect on healthcare system

Invisible and unbeknownst to regular folks, the PBM industry operates behind the limelight, lurking beneath manufacturers, health insurance companies, wholesalers, and retailers. However, they have their fingers on every drug transaction and are subtly shaping the healthcare system.

But what’s a PBM? Basically, PBM stands for Pharmacy Benefit Manager. But what is it? What does it do?

What is a Pharmacy Benefit Manager?

PBMs are companies that were created to act as middleman between key players in the pharmaceutical industries from drug developers to patients. They are tasked to identify patients eligible for certain drugs, minimize administrative burden, and negotiate prices with manufacturers.

Ideally, PBMs are supposed to negotiate drug prices to lower their costs and help patients get the medicines they need. But is this what’s happening? Are PBMs negotiating for lower costs and affordable prescription drugs?

How Do PBMs Work?

From the time of their inception, pharmacy benefit manager companies create formularies, a list of preferred drugs. They negotiate prices with manufacturers for discounts and rebates to get the new drugs included in these formularies.

Without inclusion, insurance companies won’t cover the drugs and doctors won’t prescribe excluded drugs. This gives PBMs significant leverage when it comes to negotiating prices. The United States’ Medicare does not have its formulary, which gives PBMs formularies greater power.

How Does Negotiating Lead to Bloated Drug Prices?

PBMs want money, so they charge everyone fees to make money. Even a small retail pharmacy can be charged fees, and over the years, these fees have grown dramatically.  For cancer medications, the fees have jumped 3 percent to 11 percent of the cost of drugs.

The higher the drug price, the higher the fees. So, as you can imagine, they earn more with expensive drugs.

How Does the Negotiating Approach Affect Patients?

Patients bear the brunt of all the negotiations and fees. Not only are they paying insurers for their medications, but now they are also paying PBM indirectly for these fees. Beyond this cost, the whole system affects patients adversely in other ways.

Sometimes, doctors need to call PBM before they can prescribe a drug to see if the drug is included in the formulary. PBM may sometimes require that the drug be delivered to the patient through its specialty pharmacy.

There are instances when a patient needs a specific drug, but PBM refuses to cover it, leaving physicians scrambling trying to find ways to get the drug for their patient.

Many issues need to be fixed with the healthcare system. PMBs are just one of those things that need to be addressed by the government.

Compounding: Getting the Most of Personalized Medicine

personalized compounding medicine in charlotte nc

Each patient has a unique set of needs when it comes to medications. While many patients find the prescribed drugs available in large pharmacies to work well, some may benefit from personalized medicine through compounding

Compounding is a way with which a pharmacist mixes medications so that the correct formulation, form, strength, dosage, as well as flavor can be achieved. The resulting medication is meant to address your specific needs.

Applications for Personalized Medicine

There are many ways that personalized medicine through compounding can be applied. In instances where medications are unavailable or if you want your child to have an easier time taking their meds, then compounding can be advantageous. Here are some ways that personalized medicine is applied.

Dosage Form

If you find that you’re not responding to the prescribed drugs that you’re taking or if you’re experiencing negative side effects, then your dosage form needs to be adjusted.

The pharmacist can work with you, together with your doctor, to compound your medications. You will then receive an alternative dosage form. It can be through lozenges, troches, suppositories, topical sprays, transdermal gels, and others.

Combination Preparations

Your pharmacist can combine compatible medications into one dosage form. It is to simplify the way that the meds are taken and also to ensure that you’re on schedule when taking them. It will be much easier for you to comply with the prescription given by your doctor when your medications are compounded.

When Meds are Unavailable

There are times when the drugs you need are out of stock. Pharmacies are able to obtain the medications that you need as a bulk powder. The pharmacists can then compound it so that you can be given a similar preparation. Compounding will greatly benefit you especially if the meds you’ve been prescribed need to be taken daily or several times a day.


Flavoring is helpful for children who need to take medications. Most kids will have a hard time taking medications because of the unpleasant taste. Pharmacists can flavor the meds so that it pleases the palate of the child. It will also eliminate aftertastes.

Parents will be more at ease knowing that their children will have an easier time taking their medications.

Eliminating Possible Allergens

If you’re experiencing bad side effects with your meds or you’re having allergic reactions to them, your pharmacist can formulate drugs that are specific for you.

They can eliminate unnecessary preservatives, alcohol, lactose, gluten, sugar, and dyes. This way, you won’t have to go through allergic reactions and other unpleasant side effects that can be avoided through compounding.


At Carolina Pharmacy, our pharmacists are trained in compounding medications, suppositories, suspensions, syrups, gels, ointments, and other formulations. We strive to help each of our patients in making their medications easier to take so that any health problems can be addressed properly.

If you need personalized medicine, call us today so we can provide you with the service you deserve.

Hypertension Treatment: Medications and Lifestyle Changes

hypertension treatment charlotte nc

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition that may lead to other health problems like heart disease. When you have hypertension, the blood is forced against the artery walls. Blood pressure is measured by the volume of blood that the heart pumps and the level of resistance of the blood flow in the arteries. 

If your heart pumps more blood into arteries that are narrow, then you will have high blood pressure. Long-term effects of hypertension include stroke and heart attack

How Is Hypertension Diagnosed?

In measuring the blood pressure of an individual, a pressure-measuring gauge is used. To do this, an inflatable arm cuff will be placed around the arm. The blood pressure reading is in mm HG or millimeters of mercury and has two numbers. The upper number is the measurement of the pressure in the arteries when the heart is beating. It is called systolic pressure. The lower number is the measurement of pressure in the arteries in between heartbeats. It is called diastolic pressure. There are four main categories of blood pressure measurements. 

  • Normal Blood Pressure: A normal blood pressure measurement is at 120/80.
  • Elevated Blood Pressure: You have an elevated blood pressure if you have a systolic pressure of 120 to 129 while your diastolic pressure falls below 80. 
  • Hypertension Stage 1: When the range of your systolic pressure is at 130 to 139 and your diastolic pressure is 80 to 89, you have hypertension stage 1. 
  • Hypertension Stage 2: This type of hypertension is severe. You can have a systolic pressure of 140 or higher and your diastolic pressure is 90 or higher. 

Available Medications for Hypertension

There are various ways to manage hypertension including medications and lifestyle changes. Several medications for hypertension are available to ensure that your blood pressure will be at a normal range. 

Sometimes, one medication is enough to control high blood pressure. However, there are cases where a combination of drugs is necessary to keep hypertension at bay. Here are the meds commonly prescribed to treat hypertension. 


This medication is also called water pills. It helps the kidneys in getting rid of any excess water as well as salt. When this happens, there is less volume of blood needed to pass through your blood vessels. It will result in your blood pressure going down


With this medication, the heart beats with less force and speed. The blood pressure begins to decrease because the heart is pumping less blood through your blood vessels. 


This medication offers a combination of effects. What this drug does is that it decreases the constriction of the blood vessels while also slowing down the force and rate of the heartbeat. 

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACE)

This drug helps your body in producing less angiotensin II. This hormone is what causes your blood vessels to become narrow. This hypertension treatment also helps the blood vessels to expand so that more blood can flow. The result is that your blood pressure drops to the normal range. 


This hypertension treatment helps in relaxing the muscles in your blood vessel walls including the arterioles or smaller arteries. It widens your blood vessels so that blood can flow easily. Your blood pressure will then drop to the normal range. 

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Hypertension

To help your body stay fit and healthy, you need to make some lifestyle changes. While medications for hypertension are available, you still have to do your part so that your blood pressure stays within the normal range. Here are some of the steps that you can take to manage hypertension

  • Eat less salt
  • Keep track of what you eat
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat
  • Walk around your neighborhood in the morning
  • Drink more water and less soda and alcohol
  • If you smoke, cut back on your smoking until you can quit altogether
  • Manage your stress by learning how to be mindful. Try meditating 
  • Delegate tasks. Don’t micromanage
  • Sleep well so your mind and body can rest
  • Go to your doctor for a regular checkup

Hypertension can be managed for as long as you eat healthy foods, sleep well, and not allow stress to take over your life. If your doctor prescribes you medication, make sure that you follow through. Treating hypertension early on will ensure that you don’t develop any health complications such as heart disease. 

When you get your prescription, don’t hesitate to ask us about it. We will be happy to assist you so that you can start taking the right medications for hypertension

How to Better Manage Diabetes

manage diabetes

To manage diabetes better, it is important to be aware of certain details about your health such as your blood sugar or glucose levels. By understanding your health, you will be able to manage your diabetes more effectively

When your blood sugar level is steady and normal, then you will have fewer chances of developing problems such as kidney disease and vision loss. While medications can help in keeping your blood sugar balanced, it is vital to check your diet as well as your activities to make sure that you can better manage diabetes

Diet and Exercise to Manage Diabetes Better

An essential element in ensuring that your glucose stays within the normal range is to plan your meals. For example, if you ate a lot of food in one meal, your blood sugar level could easily skyrocket. Doing the exact opposite can also be harmful. If you’re not eating sufficiently, then the glucose level can drop and it will negatively affect you.

Your blood sugar level can be managed better if you schedule and plan your meals. To do this effectively, it would be best to talk to your doctor so that a meal plan can be created. When you have your personalized meal plans, then remember that you should follow it. 

Apart from a proper diet, you should also make exercise a part of your daily routine. Keeping an active lifestyle will keep your blood sugar steady. However, before getting into a workout routine, do consult with your doctor first. 

Once you are given the go signal by your physician, then you can start trying out various exercises that will get your heart pumping. For example, you can try biking or brisk walking. Set your goal to 30 minutes every day. But you can always start at just 5 or 10 minutes in the beginning. You can then work your way into getting more time into your workout. 

Medications to Manage Diabetes

Diabetes has two types: Type 1 and Type 2. The treatment for Type 1 is insulin injections. People with this condition also need to be mindful of their diet. Activities should be planned so that there won’t be any complications when it comes to diabetes treatment. For Type 2 diabetes, the condition can be managed by shifting to a healthier lifestyle and taking oral medications

There are many available medications for treating diabetes. Because of this, it can be a challenge to know which ones are the best for your condition. 

Type 1 Diabetes Treatments

For Type 1 Diabetes, the treatment always includes insulin. This treatment keeps the blood sugar level stable and within the normal range. Individuals with Type 1 diabetes may inject insulin themselves. 

There is also a powder form of insulin that you may inhale. So far, more people prefer using insulin pumps. These pumps are compact devices that send insulin into the body through tubes that have been inserted into your skin. 

Different insulin injections also have varying speed as to how quick their effects take place and how long the effects last. The purpose of taking insulin is to copy how the body produces insulin so that you can have sufficient energy throughout the day. Here are the different kinds of insulin. 

  • Rapid-acting insulin injections – this type can take effect as quickly as 5 minutes. However, it can only last for about 4 hours. Some examples are insulin glulisine, insulin aspart, and insulin lispro. 
  • Short-acting insulin injections – the effect takes place in about 30 minutes and can last up to 8 hours. Examples of regular insulin are Novolin R and Humulin R. 
  • Intermediate-acting insulin injections – an hour is needed for the effects to be felt. It can last for as long as 18 hours. The injection is called insulin isophane or NPH insulin. 
  • Long-acting insulin injections – the effects of this type of injection take place in about an hour and can last for 24 hours. Examples of this injection type are insulin degludec, insulin detemir, and insulin glargine. 

Type 2 Diabetes Treatments

Insulin can help in managing the glucose level of people with Type 2 diabetes. However, physicians only prescribe insulin only if other treatments were not able to produce the expected results. Pregnant women with Type 2 diabetes can also use insulin so that there will be a reduction of the effects on the fetus. 

People who have high blood sugar levels can take non-insulin medications to manage diabetes. Here are some of those medications. 

  • Sulfonylureas – this medication can help in improving the production of insulin. Examples include glyburide, glipizide, and glimepiride. 
  • Meglitinides – this medication can also aid in enhancing the secretion of insulin especially during meals. Examples are repaglinide and nateglinide. 
  • Biguanides – helps in boosting the effects of insulin. It also reduces the glucose being released by the liver into the body. The only licensed medication of this type is Metformin.
  • Bromocriptine – this medication is the only ergot alkaloid that has been approved by the FDA as an alternative treatment for Type 2 diabetes. 

There are various other medications available for treating Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Do ask your doctor about the treatment options that are best suitable for your condition. If you have other health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, it is important that your doctor knows about it. 

The meds for treating different conditions along with diabetes vary. Your physician will most likely prescribe a combination of medicines to address all health issues present.  

With Carolina Pharmacy, you can ask our highly-trained staff about the medications you need for diabetes and other health conditions. We will be glad to assist you in getting the meds that will help you manage diabetes better. 

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