
Dr Anjali Udhwani

Dr Anjali Udhwani

Degree(s) Earned: Doctorate of Pharmacy (PharmD) & BS in Microbiology & Cell Science

Alma Mater(s): University of Florida

Graduation Year: 2008 & 2004

Hometown: USVI (St. Thomas)

Position: Staff Pharmacist

Location: Rock Hill and Lancaster

Why did you become a pharmacist?

Honestly, my father suggested it. I got a tech job at KMART Pharmacy during undergrad to see how it would be and that was the beginning.

What interests do you have that you do in your spare time?

Yoga, ayurveda, natural skincare, strength training, spiritual reading, art (Surrealism), and trying new cuisines!

Favorite Musician/Group

Almost anything EDM.

Do you have a favourite sports team?

I am a band wagon fan so whoever is winning!

What is your favourite food?

Indian always comes first, then Greek, Italian, All Asian fare, and Mexican.

What is the country you most want to visit?

Galapagos Islands

What is your favorite place to have travelled to?

India, Bali, Italy

Brief info about your family?

I am close to my immediate family of 2 sisters, my nephews and my parents. I also have a loving senior dog (maltese/yorkie), Monty.

What is one interesting fact about you?

I am quite easy to talk to, I like getting to know people (what they do, where they are from), worked in a myriad of environments and generally believe people are inherently good.

Favorite Thing About Carolina Pharmacy?

Everyone in the company is super nice, understanding, and makes an effort to keep our patients happy, healthy, and beyond satisfied.

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